Character name: Jovar
Race og class: Blood Elf, Hunter
Specc: Marksmanship
PvE eller PvP?: PvE
Level: 70
Former guilds: Seriously Casual, Promille, Faithfull.
Why left?: They disbanded or had 2 little progress.
Experience?: (ZG) TBC(Karazhan, ZA, Gruul, Magtheridon)
Keys (kara, heroic osv): All heroics and kara, but its not necesary anymore.
Do you have mic? Yes
Personal information
How much time do you use in WoW?: Most of my free time
Why do you want to join this guild?: I want to progress into bigger raids and get better gear.
Are you able to raid tuesday, wednesday and sunday from kl 20 - 24?: Yes
put a armory link of your character here: (I may be in PvP gear, but i have good PvE gear