Dirtbags applicationform
You have to use teamspeak. It is okay if you don't have a mic, just listen yes , i got mich too
Players must have their main char in the guild.yes
You need to be ready to pay a lot of repair bills and expect to at least use flasks/elixirs in raids - farm G og mats is useful. Ofc funny to wipe some times^^
Applications form - copy this into a new post
Character name:Chigago
Race og class:Troll Hunter
PvE eller PvP?:Pve (just make sure i dont have Pvp gear on,i have 2070ap unbuffed)
Former guilds: Window makers, then a rangdom guild just wanne help them make some progress, But
Why left?:windowakers splitted, the rangdom guild everyone was slacking and they made raids and didnt show up
Experience?: (MC,BWL,Onyxia, ZG, Naxx, AQ20, AQ40) TBC(Karazhan, ZA, TK, SSC, Hyjal)i have kara full, ZA5/6, gruul full , SSc one 1.boss
Keys (kara, heroric osv):i have kara and all heroic keys
Do you have mic? Yes
Personal information
I am from norway -Hå->Nærbø I play football and like to play wow , love to raid. and if i dont play wow i play football or hang out with some friends^^and aint so good to make applysxD But just make me a wisp ingame^^
How much time do you use in WoW?: i got alot
but i got a life:P so its up to me.
Why do you want to join this guild?:i hear u made good and big progress. sounds good for me
Are you able to raid tuesday, wednesday and sunday from kl 20 - 24?:yes thats perceft for me^^
put a armory link of your character here: armory site bugged