Character name:Stymmi
Race og class:Undead Warlock
Specc:SL / SL willing to respecc ofc
PvE eller PvP?: PVE
Level: 70 ofc
Tidligere guilds: Starfall (pvp guild) and none other with this char(this is my alt)
Hvorfor leave?:it was a pvp guild
Erfaring:Karazhan have been many times to karazhan and took down some bosses in MC with my main but at lvl70, I´m full exp in kara(MC,BWL,Onyxia, ZG, Naxx, AQ20, AQ40) TBC(Karazhan, ZA, TK, SSC, Hyjal)
Keys:All (heroic) just have to go buy them :p
Hvor meget tid bruger du i wow?: like 5 / 7, I have work, but I dont work the whole day
Hvorfor vil du join denne guild?:Well, want to join a pve guild with kara on farm and moving on and I saw you guys were recruiting
Kan du raide tirsdag, onsdag og torsdag fra kl 20 - 24?:Depends on my work but probably yes, im online almost everyday like 5 / 7 the days and more, ether on Stymmi or Snulli(70 rogue)
Læg et armory link af din character her:I have just been lvl70 for a week soo my gear is getting better by the day :)
B.t.w I dont really speak danish but I understand the meaning of what people are saying im from iceland and danish isnt that diffrent from icelandic soo