Character name:
Race og class: Undead Mage
Specc: 41/20/0
PvE eller PvP?: Pve
Level: 70
Former guilds: ant hill mob
Why left?: Guild crash
Experience?: MC,BWL,Onyxia, ZG, AQ20, AQ40 TBC Karazhan, ZA.
Keys (kara, heroric osv): All keys
Do you have mic? Yes mam
Personal information
How much time do you use in WoW?: 8h a day
Why do you want to join this guild?: im imba and you need imbaness and
PaKaz is in the guild and i play with him almost all the time he is a good irl mate of mine and the guild seems to have nice focus in isntances . iwe been LAN with pakaz for 2 weeks now and iwe seen when you raided kara and ZA , looks controlled and no screwups guys that dont know what to do and everyone listens to tacts , progressing guilds is the funniest to join to becouse then you need to fight some hard fight isntead of just farming all the time untill everyone have what they need
Are you able to raid tuesday, wednesday and sunday from kl 20 - 24?:
yes i am.
put a armory link of your character here:
and the gear im using isnt that for Pve. i got full epic pve gear to