Character name: Kroelben
Race og class: Undead Mage
Specc: Frost
PvE eller PvP?: Mainly PvE
Level: 70
Former guilds: Engineerd Plague
Why left?: Wanna start raiding getting more endgame experience. Former guild was a leveling up guild.
Experience?: I've got experience with MC, Onyxia and Karazhan.
Keys (kara, heroric osv): still havn't gotten my key for Kara, but will have it in no time.
Do you have mic?: Yes I have.
Personal information
Age: 26
How much time do you use in WoW?: Way to much, so says my GF.
Online daily.
Why do you want to join this guild?: Endgame experience plus grouping with friends already in the guild ( Tartutic, Hayabuza and Zorg).
Are you able to raid tuesday, wednesday and sunday from kl 20 - 24?: Got shifting working hours, but since raiding is what I would like to do, I'll try to be as much ready for raiding as possible.
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